Alexander Lukashenko: Orsha Flax Factory is noisy and dusty

September 19 President of Belarus visited manufacturers of flax in Orsha district. He stated that the need to revive the former glory of the Belarusian flax: "We can work with linen, fabrics produced from it, and you can not lose this school, we just do not have that right."

Lukashenko visited JSC "Orekhovskiy flax plant" and Orsha Linen Mill, where it was about reconstructing, and improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Lukashenko instructed the State Control Committee to examine, everything is done at the plant to improve the working conditions of people. Head of State thought that the plant is still very noisy and very dusty.

"If you have not reached here a world-class working conditions of people, very few people will not find it - warned the head of state. - If you already upgraded, then there must be a production at the highest international level, which is today, "- he added. Lukashenko does not rule out the possibility that in the future, when flax is a demand in the country will have to expand crops and flax production.

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