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How are residents of Vitebsk trying to use the devaluation of the Russian ruble

Those who have savings in foreign currency and is now at a favorable rate may exchange it for a larger number of Russian rubles - go shopping in Russia. So you can buy cheaper cars or appliances produced in Russia. And for someone from Vitebsk residents depreciation of Russian money in the collapse of a small, yet saving business - trade "with the land" Belarusian products.

Send to Smolensk shopping is easy to determine, among other passengers. They are pulling a bag on wheels or trolleys to transport future acquisitions.

I am interested at satellites that they plan to buy in Smolensk and fell there any things or products after the next fall of the Russian ruble.
"I'll take the cookies, candy, fish. Our cookies same road "- says Mr. retirement age.
"See, it's that someone will find it. It is nothing cheaper as the dollar is rising. A Russian ruble falls. But all is equated to the dollar. Therefore, nothing has fallen in price, "- says Ms..

To get to Smolensk, you need to get to the Belarusian border station Zaolsha, and then move to the Russian side in the ore. This is the final stop of the Belarusian diesel train. Here you need to change on a Russian train - and already go to Smolensk.

People with bags on wheels located on the platform. They have at all about all 4:00: Then the train goes backwards, forwards - the same change in the ore. The easiest when a person knows exactly what he needed goods.

Беларускія машыны каля

In Smolensk, compared with Belarus has always been cheap appliances. Often come from Belarus goes to the store "Technosila". There's now a discount on televisions, and Belarusians check prices.

Merchant name tag with "Vadim" commented: "Samsung" are going to Russia, Kaluga. Russian assembly, they are in our catalogs are for super price. Then who knows what will be, since the dollar is unstable. We now have a very high rate: 47-48 rubles per dollar. In currency speculators, maybe higher."

A week ago, the dollar was worth about 40 Russian rubles. Therefore, to acquire, for example, television is beneficial to the Belarusians who collected the money in dollars. This explains the buyer, which loads the box with "Samsung" in the car with the Belarusian numbers - and in the parking lot near the "Technosila" a few of these machines:

"If you buy something the money collected principally in US dollars, then you can come here, in Russia, and here change dollars for Russian rubles. Then get some benefit. But - looking for anything to go. If any goods brought to Russia from the West, acquiring for dollars, then the price will be the same as in Belarus. The Russians do not idiots, to the detriment of trade itself will not. Therefore, prices rose, and with a stock - and suddenly the Russian ruble has dropped!"

According to the Belarusian buyer, it makes sense to inquire the price only to that produced in Russia. But in view of the likely costs, "can save a little on cars assembled in Russia - a Western machines that are produced under license in Russia. or it is some kind of home appliances assembled in Russia, as the prices are in rubles, and the manufacturer supplies it for rubles. However, we must understand that if such equipment or cars break down, there will be unpleasant, you will not know where to repair. After the guarantee is issued in Russia will have to be repaired at their own expense, and the guarantee canceled. Thou shalt not carry the same to Smolensk to repair the same TV!"

Стыхійнага рынку зь беларускімі харчамі больш няма

If that were taken earlier in Smolensk regularly, so it's Belarusian products. For sale "off the ground" with which so persistently fought near Smolensk police Zhelyabovsky market. This primitive business devaluation of the Russian ruble almost "ate". Impromptu bazaar under the fence anymore. Only the most desperate traders offering to buy vodka. They offer their wares to passers-by 100 Russian rubles per bottle. Lured few: Belarusian money on thousands of 23, and in any Belarusian vodka store more than twice as expensive. So that the origin of this drink is considered doubtful Smolensk and afraid to fly.

No less desperate Belarusians dragged into the car with a box "Samsung". With TVs, biscuits, sweets and canned fish in their carts they have yet to overcome transplant in the ore. However, loading a train passes a calm and orderly, makes itself felt rich experience of these trips, which began long before the recent devaluation of the Russian ruble. These "businessmen", incidentally, is significantly diminished: car diesels in the half-empty, but before that happened, that a box of biscuits and butter have blocked all the passages ... And the last devaluation, people say, especially large benefits not brought Belarusians do not have so much money to put them on the difficult but low-profit resale ever confectionery or more purchase.

Radio Liberty