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Chairman of the District Court declared the application-based opposition

Party member of the CCP BPF Jan Dzyarzhautsau signed the book of comments and suggestions Railway district court of Vitebsk. He complained of a violation of procedural rules judge Elena Tsygankova that does not let him in open court. Result: The complaint is found to be justified. In the case of repeated violation of this part of the judge, it will be held accountable, party activists promised the Chief Justice Raisa Lupenkova.

December 9 Jan Dzyarzhautsau could not take advantage of their legal right to attend a public hearing in court. Judge Elena Tsygankova not let him get to the public hearing on an administrative offense against a citizen VM Sushchenko under Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus. In this regard, the activist was forced to request a book of comments and suggestions of the court.

That's what this says about Mr. Jan: "I wanted to go to a public trial, but the judge Elena Tsygankova forbade me to be in the office. She asked the defendant, "he against my presence at the meeting during the proceedings against him." And he followed her repeated that "to my presence." The judge then removed me and citizen Elena Rudnev, who also wanted to understand the essence of the offense. The fact that the process is closed, the judge did not speak, and no decision on this matter do not read. The sign of ads courtroom this was not mentioned. All of the above I have outlined in the book of comments and suggestions, as well as request that this fact against the judge Tsygankova were taken responsibility stipulated by the legislation, as had been violated not only the procedural rules, but also human rights, insulted our honor and dignity. "

The other day, signed by the chairman of the Railway District Court Raisa Lupenkovay Jan Dzyarzhautsau received a response to his complaint. In response, says: "The audit found that the judge EM Tsygankova 12.09.2014, it was a violation of Article 2:14 PIKoAP at the public hearing ..." In case of such facts as the "judge EM Tsygankova will be subject to disciplinary action. "

"Amazingly fast I got the answer. And that answer satisfied me. On the one hand, well, that truth has triumphed, but the fact that such violations occur all the time. I did not attend the first year of hearings, and I know it's not with strangers words, so I can confirm that only in case of a judge Elena Tsygankova can count 3-4 such episodes. Complaints made by me on a similar occasion in the past year and the year before, were found to be unsubstantiated. what's there to look far: December 4, the judge did not Suppose that on the court. However, then President of the Court is not persuaded me to lodge a complaint. Reported violations as me - a drop in the ocean of small and large violations of the law on the part of those who must uphold the letter and spirit of the law, "- said Jan Dzyarzhautsau.