Vitebsk colony for teenagers will be closed

Juvenile reform school in Vitebsk scheduled to close. The Deputy Head of Department of Internal Affairs Valery Meleshko prevention. "Gradually, we came to the conclusion that we will have one teenage colony - in Bobruisk, but it contains very few prisoners. Previously, these colonies were three - two in Vitebsk. One of them closed a few years ago, the second well is scheduled to close" - said Valery Meleshko.

He explained that the deprivation of liberty - is the death penalty for a teenager, and it goes only as a last resort. Usually try to apply a more lenient sentence. "That's correct, because we have to re-educate teenagers who happened trouble with the law," - he stressed. Currently, priority is given to educational and health care institutions, as they enable early influence on teenagers. However, the decision to send the young to such facilities shall be made only by a court. "This procedure is clearly regulated by law, and is now in 4 of these institutions have found about 300 children," - said Valery Meleshko.


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