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Boris Khamaida: You should ignore the gang in power

Since 1996, lawyer Boris Khamaida near the "Blue House" in Vitebsk is campaigning for people to not go to any election. But it is not clear appeals to all citizens. Do not agree with the Vitebsk activist and many opposition politicians. To better understand the position of Boris Hononovich, "Dialogue" has asked him to answer a few questions.

- Why do so many politicians crowd dried in the elections to the parliament, local councils and the office of President is not listening to you?

- It's pretty simple. There is no higher mathematics. Every law-abiding citizen will understand me.

In November 1996, our country has undergone anti-constitutional coup. After the so-called referendum suspended the 1994 Constitution. Since then, the country introduced the ersatz constitution (actually - useless scrap of paper.)

From the legitimacy of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation were selected by 110 right of citizens (for whom the law was for the rich), and they were appointed deputies of the "parliament". In fact, the country has to manage the gang. Fund has been established the President, speaking on the "hair dryer" - "common fund." The ruling group, well-organized and armed, confronts a selfish purpose. Here are the 110 appointees pocket and began to serve the group.

International legal framework does not recognize the results of the referendum. It may be objected: the West we can not decree. In this case, not only the decree, but also an order. The developers of the constitution in 1996, either by ignorance or deliberately, to substitute the organizers of the coup, wrote down in Article 8: "The Republic of Belarus is generally accepted principles of international law and ensures compliance of the law."

After that you trap shut. Now, you can either return to the legal field as of November 1996, or hands behind his back - and in the Hague! I will not specify how there was the personal fate of those dictators who ignored international law. By the way, the future government should do and this question: to identify all those involved in the coup conspirators and bring them to justice. That others did not have the temptation to do the same. This will be the fulfillment of one of the main principles of the criminal law of the inevitability of punishment.

- What's in these conditions had to make those who consider themselves the ranks of the opposition?

- They had to ignore the gang. Do not turn to it with different requests, complaints and so on. We had to boycott all public policy initiatives modes. In fact, go into inner emigration and at the same time to explain to people the reason for such behavior.

But political centaurs behaved differently. In words, they did not recognize the results of the 1996 plebiscite, but actually began to run on the government offices for the various permits the registration of their own bodies (in the gang to ask permission for a legal battle with them), to take part in illegal elections at various levels. Last action even invented hypocritical justification: that it is necessary to do something, do not sit on the same couch with folded hands. If you need something to do, so take a shovel and dig a hole about the size of his home two and a half meters!

- What for?

- So, just in case. Suddenly, from the roof of a house brick will fall down, and now everything is ready ...

That there should have been figured out in the "election" by the rules of the gang, the PR for her money, knowing that victory will not!?

But still encouraged people to the polls, so they said, "No". So it was during the third referendum in 2004, when "dad" wanted to be on the throne forever - thus helping to ensure the attendance. So it was all the time, and on the "election" of the President 2010. Then, to wash away the political mud, began to leave the square and shout: say, we were deceived, and the result was rigged. Did not have cheaters could be a different result?

In turn, the ruling group perturbed by the fact that for her money these politicians are trying to say something about the irregularities in the election, raspihali ringleaders in jail. And here begins the second act of the attraction - called "political prisoners."

I will not specify which objective is the "fighters" with the regime, but the fact that they care about the future of Belarus and its people - is obvious to me. Otherwise, 17 years, they would not have led the people in a vicious circle.

- So how to implement what you have to offer so many years?

- It is clear that we can not put the cart before the horse: nothing positive will come of it. It is necessary to return the country's Constitution in 1994, and only then carry out legitimate elections. So boycott any elections is the way you are asking about. You can not play by the rules of the gang. You know, we are not able to monitor the vote. Its result will always be in favor of the regime. The dictates of the ruler, and the votes counted.

But is it enough to be at the entrance to the polling station and count people's heads. Permission is not required. Then it will be possible to know the number of people who responded to the call of the ruling group. Boycott itself - it is not a victory, but a step from which to reach out a hand to the victory. Here in this position and the opposition should stand, not run trot to the polls, and even people for a call.

Boycott - is not only a great opportunity to consolidate the society, but also by the X-ray, which will display all the agents of influence. On that day, when two-thirds of voters go to the polls to victory remains one step.

- Boris Hononovich, but there is a servile citizens - the number of workers who are being driven by order of business leaders in the early voting...

- These are always there, but they have to be considered, so you know who is who. But I understand them, because they are not politicians.

And more. The last step for the gang to be a surprise. However, after the victory to finish the job that started the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation. For obvious reasons they were not able to put an end to the matter of impeachment Alexander Lukashenko. Thank God, still alive legitimate President of the Parliament Semen Sharetsky and the required number of legitimate members, who will complete this legal process. Organizational and easy to do. Then no one will have a question about the legitimacy of the new government.

Interviewed by Vladimir Zhyhulau