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Residents of the yard decided on their own to build a playground

With a variety of new challenges faced by the residents of housing estates of high-rise: the lack of parking spaces, or, for example, the lack of playgrounds. Residents of one of the courtyards of Vitebsk tired of waiting for the authorities, while there will be money for the equipment yard, together and independently tackled the problem.

As the social activist Alexander Ilinets in Vitebsk at the intersection of Chkalov i Internationalists seven ten-built houses, each with 4-5 porches. All the houses are united by one yard with a total number of apartments - 750

- This is a new district in the city, so here live mostly young families with young kids. Where to play? Go out into the yard, and there is nothing to do, since a large yard area they will only trampled grass, no sandbox, no playground, no bench. We have to go to a neighboring yard across the street, so as soon as there is a new playground - shared a local problem, Alexander Ilinets.

Community activist in 2010 gathered 820 signatures from residents of homes and turned into public utilities, Executive Committee, Executive Committee requested the residents to clean up and build a playground in the backyard. The answer was one - there is no money in the near future will not be.

- In May, the head of housing department informed me that there is a place b / y, but you need to repair it. And if we need it, then you need to search for money - said the activist.

August 4, 2013 held the first meeting of tenants courtyard, which came to 30 people. In asset initiative signed more than 20 caring Vitebsk residents. According to Alexander Ilinets, the meeting participants agreed that the next weekend, they will prepare a place for the installation of the playground. Permission from the head of the housing department received. During the week, should be brought herself a playground that will repair their own homes residents.

- I am very glad that people care about, and mobilized for joint action - to do better. They are no longer waiting for the mercy of the authorities, or another promise, and realize that we should be proactive, and to unite himself to seek changes around them. I am sure that after the successful result of people from the neighboring houses will turn to us for advice, - the social activist.

Note, the company to build a playground in one of the courtyards of Vitebsk is part of a nationwide campaign "Let's do better in 2013!" Which initiated the Assembly of NGOs. The company is intended primarily to joint resolution of local issues that concern ordinary Belarusians, and is aimed at improving the image of the third sector in society.

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