Human rights activist Leonid Svetsik: Poroshenko was elected by a majority of the Ukrainian people... (video)

At the extraordinary presidential elections held on May 25 in Ukraine, came to more than 3 thousand international observers. Among them were Belarusians. Beyond that, how the will of the Ukrainian people, watched a few dozen activists from Belarus. One of them was a human rights activist from Vitebsk Leonid Svetsik, who spoke to "Dialogue" about his impressions of his stay in Ukraine.

- Mr. Leonid, tell us about the situation in Ukraine, as you saw it.

- The group of international observers, I was in Ukraine from 22 to 27 May. I happened to be in the central part of Ukraine - in Kirovograd. While there, I had ample time and opportunity to conduct independent monitoring of socio-economic situation in the region, as well as the process of electing the head of the Ukrainian state.

First of all, I would like to inform readers that Ukrainian citizens, despite the fierce battles in the south-east of the country, live a full life calm, which, as everyone and everywhere consists mainly of personal household solve everyday problems.

It should be noted that all public and private enterprises, organizations and institutions working in the usual, normal mode. No panic or emergency-was observed. Children went to school and gardens, parents - to work. Shops and markets have also worked. Goods they had enough to meet any customer inquiries.

Our Ukrainian colleagues defenders assured us observers that should not be afraid to walk the streets, even at night - say, all of us quietly.

Perhaps in contrast to earlier times, the streets were many state symbols - yellow-blue flags, and at the entrance to Kirovograd was seen police checkpoint with policemen armed with machine guns.

- How do you assess the elections themselves in terms of their compliance with international standards?

- I've been monitoring elections since 2008. Participated in several international observation missions. So I have enough experience to assess the quality of elections, their conformity with international standards.

I hasten to say that the presidential elections in Ukraine meet the requirements of the current legislation in the country and the highest international standards, ie elections were democratic and free.

- What can you say about the work of election commissions?

- During the voting, I visited 11 polling stations. In rural areas, and in the regional center - Alexandria. Everywhere reigned calm working atmosphere. People without any administrative pressure at polling stations - freely, secretly.

Precinct election commissions were formed from the number of party activists and representatives of presidential candidates by random sampling. As declared themselves members of commissions, with whom I spoke personally, they came to work in the Commission voluntarily and consider this honorable duty work and civic duty.

At the polling stations were dozens of observers, most of whom were local party activists. Observers were able to quietly observe the voting and counting of votes.

During the counting, chairman of the commission showed all present each ballot paper, calling the name of the presidential candidate for whom the vote was given. Disputed ballots were excluded from the decision of the commission calculation.

Protocol, which reflected the results of the vote, was compiled in the presence of observers. Copy of the protocol with the seal and the signatures of all committee members upon request communicated to all observers who were on site. For example, in the area where I watched the process of counting the votes were distributed 23 copies of the final protocol. So done to avoid falsification of voting results and eliminate distrust elected president.

- Voters are counted in polling stations. But the totals reported in the center of the district election commission. Were you able to watch the work of the DEC?

- Yes, I am as an international observer such opportunity was provided. I oversaw the adoption of protocols to the county commission, which is located in Alexandria, Kirovograd region.

Representatives of the district election commissions and bulletins broadcast protocols to the district commission publicly. Chairman of the District Commission announces the results of voting on each site. Then voting members of the DEC, these results were approved and submitted to the Technical Service District Commission, which reported through the electronic system information in Kiev in the country's Central Election Commission. The data entry process was reflected on the big screen, and all saw the correctness of data entry operator computer voting.

- In your opinion, is the current president Poroshenko truly elected head of state?

- I have no doubts that Poroshenko was elected president by a majority of the Ukrainian people, and is therefore a legitimate leader of the country.

- What is your impression of communicating with the Ukrainians?

- First of all, Ukrainians - against bloodshed and cruelty. Everyone with whom I had the opportunity to communicate, were peaceful, none of them did not show hatred for Russian and Russian. They are only displayed a wishes that no one bothered them to build a free, independent and prosperous Ukraine.

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