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KGC Vitebsk region did not begin punish officials at the request of an activist of opposition

Vitebsk Regional Head BPF Leonid Autukhou asked the State Control Committee, a statement of administrative prosecution of a number of officials. According Autukhou, head of the department of employment Haradok Galina Stolyarova and chief Haradok node postal service Lyudmila Komyakova violated his rights and legitimate interests, giving him deliberately distorted information. SCC started administrative proceedings against such officials refused...

Leonid Autukhou turned into state control after unsuccessfully tried to use the services of the Employment Service. Although at the beginning of employment prospects through this service looked optimistically: Notice there Autukhou was assigned to work as a driver of the car to the post office. Also, they were referred to a medical examination.

"All the necessary procedures in these areas, I conscientiously fulfilled. In this travel and spent personal time. In fact, it turned out that the above is no vacancy", - said Leonid Autukhou.

"I believe that the officer carpenter GL deliberately gave me the wrong information about the presence in Haradok district assembly postal service Unitary Enterprise "Vitebskoblpochta" vacancy car driver - he wrote in the State Control Committee. - Also, I believe that the official Komyakova L.M. deliberately gave me the wrong information about the absence of a vacancy. By their actions, G.L. Stolyarova and L.M. Kamyakova violated my rights, particularly the right to work and employment with the help of the state, which is guaranteed by Article I of the Constitution 41 and other applicable laws of the country. "

By the logic of party activist, at least one of the two boss, about which he appealed to the SCC, deceived him, thus violating the Administrative Code. Indeed, one argued that there is a vacancy, and the other - that the vacancy is not. Therefore, some of them should be held accountable. However, the Committee of State Control of the Vitebsk region counted differently.

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Vadim Zaryankin to Autukhou said that the reasons for missing the start of the administrative process, "Not found evidence of the illegality of the actions of such officials, as well as the presence of the intention of distorting information."

"We also inform that according to Article 9.6 of the Administrative Code to attract official to administrative liability is possible in the absence of his actions constitute a crime. Thus, the question of bringing to administrative responsibility under Article 9.6 of the Administrative Code may be considered only if the ruling body of criminal prosecution on refusal to initiate criminal proceedings under Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus ", - said Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region.

So, as the paper produced from SCC, misrepresentation officials actually took place. But it seems to be no one to blame. Interestingly, as if it were an abuse of the administrative code someone from the opposition, he was treated to the same good-natured? It turns out that the law of that pole?