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Teacher - Deputy Chairman of the electoral commission will be responsible for violation of the law

Vitebsk teacher, who on the eve of the main day of voting in the parliamentary elections of leather climbed out, if only to expel from the polling stations, observers from BHC member of the CCP BPF Jan Dziarzaucau, will be punished by a fine of from 4 to 10 basic units. During the election ended recently, Natalia Rusanova (pictured) was the deputy chairman of the precinct election commission, located in the gymnasium № 4 Vitebsk. In ordinary life it is the head teacher of the same school.

The incident with the removal of Jan Dziarzaucau with polling took place on Saturday, September 22. Told Mr. Jan, in its removal to a large extent it participated deputy chairman. Especially to deprive him of his accreditation as an observer, to urgently was assembled almost all of the commission. Reprisal was swift: the commissioners quickly voted before, "the defendant" without giving even a word to throw in his own defense - all done!

According to Jan Dziarzaucau, Ms. Rusanova all the time he performed his duties as an observer, clung to him, seeking only reason, as soon as possible to get rid of it as inconvenient witness what is happening in the area at the time of the election. And finally an excuse -I found: "As soon as I, being in the area, began to call the county commission to report a violation of election law, Rusanov immediately started. She ran to the Secretary of the Commission, pointing her camera phone, saying, shoot him! So she attempted to prove, as if I broke something. "

"She's always, when only been in the area, trying to show that she was there leader. When I wanted to learn something, something asked, for example, Secretary of Rusanov immediately intervened: It's not your business - she said to me. She always wanted to show that it was she in the commission on the first cast, "- says Jan Dziarzaucau.

According to the activist, Natalia Rusanova, once moved in the Vitebsk region of Ryazan Oblast, Russia, where she graduated from a school, college, often behaved like a real Russian shovinistki: "It's very annoying that I'm on the Belarusian." Talk to Russian, and not on some incomprehensible ", - she said to me. Belarusian So it is in the throat! And how can it be trusted to educate children! She did not educate them, and cripples" - outraged Jan Dziarzaucau.

What is so hampered the work of the district commission an independent observer, it became known later. Jan Dziarzaucau: "" Narodnaye Slova"to write about it. Turns out on Sunday evening in the gymnasium № 4, where the plot should be the representatives of the observer mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of Belarus and Russia ., where they invited journalists to tell how well the elections were held in Belarus. Imagine if at the time of the polling station and was told I would like elections were actually ... "

The elections were held. And now - before the next election - faithful servant regime, who made "legitimate" all PERFORMANCES became unnecessary.'s Power, showing that everyone in the country is under color of law, and allow themselves to be some of those, thanks whom they recently formed the membership of the National Assembly, was publicly "flogged".

However, "flogging" Natalia Rusanova exposed not for the actions that it has made in relation to Jan Dziarzaucau. On the same day, when the latter was expelled from the polling place, the gymnasium № 4 Vitebsk, to help the observer to defend their rights, granted known in the city over the Dvina activist Peter Ivanov. He demanded that he be provided with a book of comments and suggestions, to which Ms. Rusanova replied rudely that such a book in high school is not, never was and never should be.

Within five hours of September 22 Perer Ivanov fought for issuing him a treasured book. Where only this time he had addressed - to the police by calling 102, and then descended to the school dress special forces in the education department of Vitebsk Railway area - all to no avail: the teacher Rusanov stood firm, not giving the "strangers" "a single inch of land." As a result of the "enemy" was forced to retreat, limiting writing complaints against the head teacher of the prosecutor's office and the tax office.

And the other day from the tax came the answer: "The inspection found that the information contained in your application in terms of failure to present you a book of comments and suggestions Deputy Director for Academic Affairs GUO 'Gymnasium № 4" Rusanova N.N. on demand true. For committing the act, the responsibility for which Article 9:24 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Director for Education GUO 'Gymnasium № 4 "Rusanova N.N. will be brought to administrative responsibility."

The penalty incurred by a teacher, a recent deputy chairman of the precinct commission, not so much. But I hope it is more sober Rusanova, which, following an order from above, intend to remain unpunished. Maybe they think about that, will defend their masters, who they faithfully serve, when the need for them will disappear ...

“Vitebsk Spring”