Sergei Kovalenko: In political life is not going away

Sergei Kovalenko has two weeks to freedom - with his wife and children. In an interview with "dialogue," he said, why not trust the Belarusian opposition and how to communicate with the electorate, avoiding doomed election campaigns.

- Or to enjoy is a little freedom?

- You know, there's such experiences were. You can write a book if he could. We had to make some notes still behind bars ...

- Today in Minsk?

- Yes, my wife and I went to pick up a passport at the Polish consulate?

- What? Leave?

- No, the food in Brussels, invited Marek Migalski. That there would be this - do not know yet. Heard that the round table will be organized. We'll see.

- Obstacles you did not commit?

- I was told at the inspection that I can go where I want. They are probably asleep and dream that I quickly went to and did not return. This is also annoying when Kovalenko Vitsebsku.Ale not wait ...

- What thoughts to leave the country is not prhodyat in the head?

- When you come out at will - silly thoughts disappear and everything is again in its place.

- Or you learned people on the streets of Minsk?

- No. In Vitebsk often learn hello. Family was - the guy in the shop just screamed, "Sergei Kovalenko! Come out of turn. " We met and talked. If byvza bars, his wife approached strangers and just give money.

- On the political life is not going away?

- I'm not going. I have many ideas. I see what is happening with the company. The horror! Continued Russian occupation.Wickedness of the people is, spoyvanne. Now, for example, the Russian rapper "Guf" promotes drugs and decline. And it announced very talented. The older generation are accustomed to drinking, and youth throw drugs. At the same time, many Belarusian musicians and groups that make up our true culture is not airing. They are disabled. But what psevdaskoki in sandals by CESG folk. Zombiing goes! Chanson. Kabachnyya lady pashkamutanyya yes men. The horror! And some movies about cops twist. "These are honest people," have I seen them ... The enemies of the people - that's who they are.

What about Vitebsk now? Nothing. A "scoop." Kosinets came - all done in yellow and white. You walk around the city - already badly to go ...

- Continue the fight in the ranks of the Conservative Christian Party BPF Party, or as a person already known, there are plans to create any separate political structure?

- I believe that the CCP BPF - the party which used to be headed by Zenon S. Poznyak, achieved the independence of Belarus.I am a member of a party that is a party man. And to this day I remain in the party. If I have some other projects, I think they will not go contrary to my party activities in the CCP BPF.

After all, these people were on guard independence. Always been the case, despite the fact that they are frustrated and Westerners do not give money, but give the other parties who are personally, I have been very great distrust, as they work only for money, meet some of his ambitions. A CCP BPF - is devoted patriots, and a patriotic idea.

- By the way, has already met with Boris Khamaida?

- Yes, come, but ... call failed.

- But he is in a sense your teacher ...

- Well, he was my teacher in primary school, and then I myself acted.

- How do you evaluate the activities of the opposition and, in particular, the part that took part in the parliamentary elections?

- There is no fight! I will say this: in my opinion, the opposition participates in the PR campaigns of power, creates a good public relations image of Russia, which supplied here Lukashenko and his supporters. Russia's objective - annexing Belarus to Russia. This requires a legal and legitimate president "tent." If they are illegal - daluchenne be illegitimate.

Thus, the opposition participated in legitimizing Lukashenka, urging people to vote. And Lukashenka just that and should be, because they are easy to throw papers. Therefore it is necessary to make a real boycott to anihto not go there ... And the CCP BPF was from start to finish for a boycott. Pozniak said: do not need to participate in projects of the Moscow Lubyanka.Involved. They were beaten in the square, pasazhali their colleagues, and they are what? .. Further involved!

That is not the normal opposition. Pull down opposition from within the KGB. Dummy heads ... Lukashenko then condemn them: here such and such opposition. So it's your people! Grant helps Lukashenko opposition legitimized. That's it.

- The elections - the only legitimate chance to communicate with people, say opposition politicians ...

- Do you talk? Talk about communication. Do scatter leaflets yes! Communicate via the Internet. However, and on the Internet at sites sit specially trained people. Agents. Attack normal people, insult ...

- Start work?

- While the rest. Restore power. Doing my apartment.

- If you'll be free?

- Jesus knows this. I do not know.


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