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264 dollars/month is an average salary for jobs offered by the Employment Service of Vitebsk

Civil campaign "Our House" has analyzed about 100 jobs from the fresh database Vitebsk employment services (for 27-28 November). The result of the study: the average salary of 98 vacancies was only 264 dollars - 2 million 270 thousand rubles. Not much above the average pension in Belarus.

Only 10 of the 98-mi vacancies reached a level of average wages in the Vitebsk region, which in October, according to the Ministry of Statistics, made 3 million 770 thousand rubles. Among them - the job avtokranovschika and electric welder (4.5 million rubles), reinforced concrete and Darby (4 million), and zavmaga woodcutter (3 million 800 thousand). These jobs for the salary crossed the mark of $ 500. Next - the "cost" of vacancies decreases.

The most "cheap" of the proposed jobs were carpenter, working for Integrated Building Services, assistant teacher (kindergarten), medregistratora and ventilation engineer. For these vacancies employers offer paid almost at "minimal salary" - only 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

Exactly half of the jobs targeted at people without special education (common core). Personnel with university diplomas in their pockets offer a choice of 18 vacancies. Among them - the job Accountant (4 million rubles.), Deputy head of the legal department (3.9 million), zavmaga (3.8 million), the chief tax collector (3.2 million), an economist (2.3 million), a kindergarten teacher (1.9 million), the duty physician (1.7 million), pharmacists (1.5 million) and ventilation engineer (1.25 million).

The department of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Vitebsk City reported that a large number of vacancies in the field of workers (80-85%) in the base - a natural phenomenon, as the demand for labor in the city increases. However, despite the availability, demand that is not satisfied. In Vitebsk, for example, there is shortage of construction workers and other workers.

Head of the department Torhan Elena believes that finding a job in Vitebsk is not so difficult. "Who wants to find a job in a month and a half, when speaking to us", - assured our interlocutor. On the question of the "cheapness" of vacancies and about inconsistencies with the level of the average wage in the area of head of the city employment center said: "This is for you to be treated in the statistical authorities."

According to Elena Torhan, the number of registered to "labor exchange" in comparison to last year has decreased. In her opinion, the reason for this - demographic hole. Is it difficult to check. However, according to statistics agencies, the number of employed in the economy of the city was reduced to 8 months of 2012 by 4.5 million people (only the second in August 2012 - 172.8 thousand people).

Thus, according to the Office for Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Vitebsk City on November 1, the unemployment rate in Vitebsk was 0.6 percent of the economically active population. The unemployment rate fell to 0.2% compared to November last year, the state employment service. On November 1, in the center there were 15 one thousand unemployed, most of whom are women - (523). Of those who is registered, 148 people have higher education. Most of the unemployed - young people aged 16 to 29 years - 393 persons (37.1%).

“Our House”