In Haradok found a scapegoat guilty of unrest among the entrepreneurs

Chairman Gorodoksky raipo Natalia Polyuhovich that is not prepared for the market place on the street in the Borough Sports in accordance with the laws, deprived of work. Everything happened supposedly "voluntarily" dismissed. It is not finalized a month before his 60th - anniversary.

January 9th meeting of businessmen with Atyasovym Alexander, Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Council, the question was raised about the responsibility of the chairman Gorodoksky raipo unprepared for the market. Chairman of the Regional Council agreed with the negative assessment of the activities of Mrs. Polyuhovich by entrepreneurs and stated that the personnel issue to be solved. In this situation, Natalia Polyuhovich the next day filed a petition to dismiss at will. Now TDY chairman Gorodoksky raipo assigned to AA Odinochkin.

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