Vitebsk on a growing number of teenagers – spice smokers

Not long ago, the domestic media were filled with articles about the tragic events in Minsk, the cause of which was smoking synthetic smoking mixtures (the so-called spices, mixes). Today we can no longer claim that it is only metropolitan trouble - Spice and penetrate among adolescents Vitebsk region.

"Fashion" of the capital is in the province

- Even before the summer and autumn of last year, we did not think that smoking blends in the region will become so widespread - says the head of the regional department of adolescent substance abuse Clinical Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction, Chief Freelance adolescence Narcologist Vitebsk region, Alexander Gerasimovsky. - If the end of 2013th in the area were identified only 4 episodic addict, already in the first quarter of 2014 had risen several times, the problem becomes widespread. This applies mainly to large cities - such as Vitebsk, Orsha and Polotsk, Bon. But with the advent of summer vacation, when the youth return home to areas that there is a risk that this phenomenon will also be on the periphery.

Spice is popular mainly among students in high schools, technical schools, but now there are also students. By the way, it was recently revealed the youngest drug users aged 12 years. From conversations with clients to identify two major causes addiction - too much time with nothing to do, and the hunt to try something new, unknown.

Currently, the Belarusian legislation defines these compounds as drugs, and all their new varieties - as analogues or precursors ( precursors). Spice are dangerous and that their formula changes almost weekly, recently added in the methanone methadone. The effect becomes stronger, and the impact - unpredictable.

Until recently, a specialized laboratory, which has a spectral chromatograph determines hundredths of a substance, there was only in Minsk. Now, however, the same equipment purchased for the Vitebsk region, which greatly facilitates the work of physicians and all the services concerned in the fight against this addiction.

From torque to psychiatric hospital

- To date, found a link between smoking mixtures and two negative effects on the human body, - says Alexander Gerasimovsky. - First, the rapid burning of mental faculties, ie the use of mixtures leads to dementia. The second action of a substance - a mental disorder, including schizophrenia acquired, and it is dangerous because it causes visual hallucinations, voices that can be ordered, for example, go out the window - in Minsk was a case of death. In this state, a person can make anything.

The disease develops in each individual. One to become a drug addict, just 2-3 times to smoke, another - a longer period. The spice addiction, like any other, goes through three stages: psychological, physical and cancellation step.

More eloquently than the adverse effects of the drug on the body say examples of medical practice of Alexander. Thus, the group of young people smoking hookah in the summer, one of them brought a mixture which is added to the device. One guy after the first puff began to lose consciousness, ran up to him and companions began to ask, "How are you? ". Since that time, he still there in my head all these voices and the same question. The result - a mental disorder.

Another young man suffering from unrequited love. On the advice of friends to escape, decided to try spice, then soon came to the hospital. After went to school, smoked a few times in the next month and returned to doctors. Due to the influence of the drug on brain activity and hence the inability to learn the guy is now on leave. There and in other similar cases. Fortunately, deaths in the region have not yet been observed.

Often the spice addicts come to hospitals with psychosis on background cancellation psychotropic drugs. Per week may be up to 5-6 people.

If there is risk of overdosing fall in toxic coma. Sometimes, the body immediately and do not perceive the substance.

Registered in the Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction, tend to fall after the "fast", according to the police or alarms from school. Often anonymous welcome their children lead concerned parents, and sometimes themselves addicts who undergo treatment here - fellow sufferers.

Confessions of an addict

All the above examples - not just statistics, and the lives of young people who seemingly have to build their future and that of the country. So, Maxim Ivankov ( name changed ) - a student of secondary specialized educational institutions, brought up in a wealthy family and complete. Stable performance on " horoshist " decent and sociable guy. However, almost two years ago firmly hooked on smoking blends. Now tied for the fifth month as an addiction, anonymous office visits adolescent substance abuse department. Maxim told the story of how he got into drugs and tenacious paws as he barely managed to escape and try to start a new life.

- I've tried probably everything except heroin and desomorphine. Basically, mixes them and sat - recognized Maxim. - First smoked 3 years ago: In the company treated, but then the story was over. However, after a while my friends started using smoking blends, and persuaded me to join. The first four months was just fun, nothing wrong with that did not see... Over time the spice became my daily necessity.

Buy it was easy enough. In Internet forums to find what you're interested contact on Skype, paid through the terminal. Purchasing goods, teammates smoked in the yard, porch, someone's house, days could " hang out " in a rented apartment. Tried from the weakest operating 20 minutes, to strong effect of 2-3 hours. One overdose was hospitalized. Brain just turned off in my head like a cartoon format reproduced in 3D, you're in it and you can not get in any way. Lapping on the walls, served with stairs lucky that more damage is not caused.

- How to change your drugs?

- Became constantly lie to parents, friends, colleagues... even convince myself that I'm not a drug addict, easy to " get off, " is wanted. Began to believe it. Tired of the lies.

In addition, performance in college deteriorated due to frequent absenteeism. Education, sports and other hobbies that were earlier moved to the last plan. Had one goal and interest in life - where to buy, with whom and how to use.

- You lived with my parents for a long time managed to hide the truth from them?

- Until recently, disavowing. Suspicion arose a mother, when she noticed that I had red eyes. I, in turn, tried to hide it, buy eye drops. Alerted its not exactly normal behavior: after drinking was a strong drowsiness, food went unreal portions. All this is difficult to hide from his mother, who saw me every day. The Internet began to study the signs of addiction. Then the parents were asked to give up, I promised them that " 'll tie ", and they trusted me. Tried to isolate the from the company. But they could not be with me next hour...

- When I came to the fact that " tie "? What was the impetus?

- Preconditions to think became arrested by the police. Knew that it somehow can end in tears - a prison. Well, mother was sorry she was very upset and worried about me.

Scarecrow and the fact that the guys that I knew normal, in my eyes, decreased level of intelligence so that they did not understand the simplest things. And in general, when smoking mixtures injury is inevitable. Personally, I have significantly decreased physical endurance, stomach hurt, disturbed digestion. Do you know because Spice kidney problems, liver, heart, lungs, but it does not bother them much more important question is where to find drugs.

Also eventually came to my realization that friendship in this company was built only hypocrisy, lies, benefit, as, in principle, and all the relationships that have been in this period.

- How hard to beat addiction? Who supported when it was most difficult?

- First and foremost dependence is largely determined by social circle. Leave the company - this is probably the most effective and correct move, otherwise it will not turn. When my friends said, " tied ", some hypocritically said, they say, well done, let's drop it, and then immediately offered to smoke. Now communicate with completely different people.

With confidence I can say that " tied up " in six months. One time I had a failure - could not stand the depression caused by the lack of buzz past.

Throughout the period of my parents were very supportive. In addition, it is important to be confident, constantly bear the thought that you want and can cope with addiction.

And in anonymous office hit accidentally. Already then I was going to quit, but kept putting it off until tomorrow. Once a friend suggested we go together here. The first six sessions were one-sided dialogue: the doctor said, and I just sat and listened to all kind of missed by yourself. And then I was like a burst, it was necessary to talk to someone, not with friends who will advise you not the best, but with those who tell the right choice will decide to set a goal. I want to start with a clean slate. Trying to develop in a profession that has chosen, and in the future, if it works, I think to open your own business.

- What do you advise to your peers?

- Not to go into it, not even try and get round. Drug leads to the bottom or even more precisely, into the abyss, where you can fall endlessly. Only some cling to anything and trying to climb up, and some continue to roll down.

Indeed, the situation among the youth today disturbing. According to WHO, about 100 addicts only 3 back to normal life. As practice shows, in the heady maelstrom get both boys and girls, not only abandoned it, but honors, troubled adolescents from disadvantaged families and children completely secured and positive parents. It is important to understand that spaysavaya addiction - a problem that can affect absolutely every family.

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