Local historians of Orsha and Liozno commemorated insurgent Ignatius Budziłovič

Ignat Budziłovič - an insurgent of Kalinoŭski - Orsha led rebel troops. In the village Pahościšča which is in Liozno district, was the last fight of his squad. The chief executive of the detachment was shot in Orsha, the exact place of burial is not possible to find today. The only monument associated with Ignat Budziłovič today is precisely Pahościšča. Therefore, the second year in a row here orshantsy organize a memorial evening on August 28 - the day of the shooting Budziłovič.

At this time in Pahościšča came and creator of the monument Liozno local historian Alena Grechishnikova. It is August 19, 2006, together with the students of the school where she taught then, with his own hands put up a monument in honor of Budziłovič and his band of rebels killed in that battle. However, the monument had to put as much as ten years. The first attempt to erect a monument over the fact that the stones collected by schoolchildren using farm were stolen by someone. 10 years later, a second attempt to erect a monument, and this time not only the stones were pilfered, they helped to collect and locals. The local executive committee took a site for a monument at the place where it was first Liozno district church.

During the event, participants laid flowers at the monument, lit candles, recited poems, performed by Vladislav Lepiašynski was sung a few lyrical songs.


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