In Viciebsk, entrepreneurs turned to the management of the Evikom shopping center with a letter, which was signed by 190 people. Small business asks to meet and sort out the situation to prevent the destruction of their jobs.
Here is the text of the appeal, which was transmitted to the administration of the shopping center on February 5:
Appeal from entrepreneurs of the EVICOM shopping center
Mall "Evikom" began its work in 2004. To create trading places, each individual entrepreneur was obliged to pay and pay an amount equivalent to $ 1,500 for an area of 6 square meters. meters This money was not returned to entrepreneurs working today in the shopping center. For the equipment of workplaces own funds were also invested. The increase in retail space occurred through auctions for the right to lease, conducted by the administration of the shopping center. And also invested their money. These are our only jobs. All businessmen of a family, on the maintenance children, aged parents.
The administration of the shopping center notified us that it was planned to demolish all trading places of the left wing of the second floor. This is justified by economic necessity. At the same time, 56 entrepreneurs will have to leave their trading places and move to free ones. When moving, the administration will not be able to provide all with equivalent places in area and attractiveness for work.
Representatives of foreign businesses selling low-priced and low-quality goods are invited to rent space occupied by us. Competition with online stores cheap goods is impossible. This ruin, the loss of jobs for hundreds of entrepreneurs, not only the Evikom shopping center.
People are scared, no confidence in the future. As practice shows in other cities, foreign firms are squeezing Belarusian entrepreneurs and Bellegprom manufacturers with whom we work.
Please understand the current situation, do not deprive us of our jobs. Do not destroy small business. When filling in empty retail space, be guided by the interests of the national business.
The details of what is happening in the shopping center "Evikom", Viciebsk entrepreneurs recently reported to the republican public association "Perspective":
Good day. Latest news from Viciebsk.
The Evikom shopping center, which is subordinate to the Presidential Affairs Department, was invited to the Russian chain of stores "Planet, Clothes, Shoes" (Asians from Russia). One such store is already open in Maładečna, another one opens in the town of Mazyr. Entrepreneurs of our shopping center will have to leave their places. People are scared, excited. Do not know what to do. Not only entrepreneurs of the Evikom shopping center, but also all other markets and shopping centers in our city will not withstand such competitors. Products of these networks are represented by the following countries: Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, China, Russia. We remain without work and want to make this fact public. Foreign firms are pushing out their Belarusian entrepreneurs, and no one cares to think about it – or maybe it’s worth supporting their national business...
RPO "Perspective" will closely monitor the events and promises to provide all necessary assistance to entrepreneurs of the shopping center "Evikom".
According to: perspektyva.org