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Viktor Martinovich presented in Vitebsk novel «Mova 墨瓦»

Famous Belarusian writer, journalist, art critic Viktor Martinovich present his new novel, "Mova 墨瓦" at the Frankfurt Book Fair. About this author, which is called "militant" of the Belarusian language, informed fans of his work at a meeting in Vitebsk. It took place on September 23 in The Beatles club "Cherdachok".

"Mova 墨瓦" originally published in Belarusian. But there is the Russian version. Yesterday I received the first sentence of the well-known translator to translate into English. I admit that the sound works will be international. In October I'm going to Frankfurt-am-Main, where the world's largest book fair, and I will be there to make a presentation "Language Society" - said Viktor Martinovich.

He stressed that in Belarus the first presentation of his new novel took place in Vitebsk: "This is a significant, special city for me." (Martinovic defended his doctoral thesis on "the vanguard of Vitebsk (1918-1922): a social and cultural context and artistic criticism").

In Minsk, a little earlier, on September 10, was an autograph session at which the writer only signing books. Vitebsk meeting took place, as Mr. Martinovic, thanks to the persistence and vigor coordinator crusader "Budzma belarusamі!" Vitebsk region Vladimir Bulavskaya. In the Belarusian capital works planned for later presentation.

In the press has already gone to the second edition of the work. "The first edition was a record for a modern Belarusian literature - a thousand copies. And he broke in Belarus without any advertising, extra effort, presentations, ordered reviews - just a week and a half. This is a phenomenal pace," - not without pride, the author said.

Writer intrigued by those who have not read the novel:

- This work is very controversial, a little scandalous. Despite the fact that it has a strong plot, it does not plot the literature. Hiding under the guise of language "militants", the text tries to answer the vexed questions that have matured in our society. The main of them - language. I tried to make sense of this problem in terms of science fiction.

Action works going on in Minsk in 4741 by the Chinese calendar. Minsk is no longer the capital of Belarus. The area we now call Belarus is part of the Northwest Territories of the Union of Russian-Chinese state. The word "Belarus" forgotten. "We are all Russian people" - we are told the heroes of the text.

In this world of satisfied people for whom shopping has become a religion, there is something that is under complete prohibition. That "something" is the language (mova). Across the border drag some scrolls and distribute them underground. People "planted" on mova, they consume it to get high. In this case, there is a world of State drug control who tries to fight the spread of the language of the drug. In the book, two characters, one of them is a finished junkie (he "expandable" mova), and simple "dude" which drags movu across the border. And at some point in the hands of the smuggler is a precious treasure...

After Victor read a short excerpt from the novel. Admitted that he does it for the first time, and perhaps for the last time: "After all, I am very bad at reading texts." He explained the reason for the premiere: "My friend Algirdas Baharevich says it's an important point - where the text starts. And today we are dealing with the Belarusian book launch. And how will you spend with it certain mystical action depends on how it will float ."

At the meeting, it was possible to buy a novel in Belarusian and Russian languages, and get an autograph, of course, ask questions to the writer.