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School students of Vitebsk are prepared for war?

Thirteen regional military-sports game "Summer Lightning", dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, launched on May 16 in Vitebsk, reported in the Vitebsk Regional Committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". Participants in the competition will be about 25 teams of seven people each, representing the educational institutions of the regions. Children will compete in forced marches with obstacles (the length of the distance of 1500-2000 m).

The teams need to go through several stages: the transportation of the victim, air rifle shooting, crossing, obstacle course, grenade throwing, forcing Wade, setting tents, disassembly and assembly of the machine.

In addition, the program failed and the song contest, the "Battle leaf", the presentation of creative room, paintball competitions health training. "The guys have to show hardening and team spirit in the game on the ground. Terms of its implementation will be announced just before the start. Included in the program of military sports games and special contests." Memory "(of the memorable places and obelisks their area) and" Pages of History of the Fatherland . "The last test is conducted in a test form", - stressed in the regional committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union".