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Tatiana Seviarynets: Professionals have left the schools

The Belarusian leader is trying to make teachers and mankurts obedient zombies. This opinion was expressed by the coordinator of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" (BCD), and teacher Tatiana Seviarynets commenting requirement Lukashenko improve discipline in teacher teams.

"Discipline, stability and so on - is a favorite hobbyhorse of the Belarusian leader. Teachers are already afraid to make a move to the right and to the left. And the discipline it is intentional, because now the load is increased from 18 to 20 hours a week. Salary in this connection also seems to be increased, but not significantly. Of the teachers try to make obedient zombies and mankurts not to twitch. Lukashenko is afraid of mass layoffs of teachers and in general of any protest, so tightening the screws ", - said the teacher.

She believes that in the context of the Belarusian totalitarianism carrot and stick policy is limited only by the whip. "Of course, in the case of mass exodus of teachers from the schools there are scabs. Maybe somebody will be glad that by firing his colleagues will increase the number of hours and earnings. But the fact of mass exodus of teachers from the school will be a disaster. Belarus has already almost no one else wanted to work in schools, and the real professionals have very little. I speak for those who have left the school after me, and it's very well-educated and good people. Have been replaced by young people. Maybe it's too good and educated people, but they have not as relevant to the work the teacher, as it were. I do not know how they prepare the children, but judging by the results of CT, we can say that there are very few professionals. Now teachers are engaged in more paper work, no education. The same goes for doctors - three minutes and fifteen patients in the paper, "- said Tatiana Seviarynets.

Recall the other day during a working meeting with the Minister of Education Sergei Maskevitch and first deputy head of the administration Alexander Radkov Alexander Lukashenko demanded to improve discipline in teacher teams.

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