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On the Vitebsk television factory workforce continues to shrink

In Vitebsk met chairman of the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers Alexander Bukhvostova with workers of urban enterprises and organizations. At the meeting, in particular, discussed the situation on the Vitebsk factories. Working with the "Vityaz" in his speech said that the plant once known all TVs now "barely noticeable."

"Certainly, the workers do not have full information on the situation of the enterprise and of its problems. But they can not ignore the fact that decreases the volume of production, fewer, - said Alexander Bukhvostau. - According to the workers, the company left about a thousand people. Salary is low - up to 4 million rubles. I had a chance to talk with workers from several factories Vitebsk, but no one said that their company works well, everyone thinks that bad situation. "

On "Vityaz" there is fever for several years. In 2011, the Ministry of Industry announced its intention to take urgent measures for the development of the enterprise. At that time the plant for several years had problems with sales of electronic products, household products, virtually abandoned its implementation in Russia.

According to the Economy Committee Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee in 2012, the production capacity of "Hero" was loaded by only 20%. In early 2013, Industry Minister Dmitry Katerinich said that conservatism of the former leadership of the plant led to the fact that the company failed to timely adjust to the market economy, due to the developers of dual use goods were lost, and the brand "Vityaz" has lost its popularity.

Six months ago, General Director of "Vityaz" Sergei Gun'ko told the newspaper "Vitebsk news" that the production of television sets in the structure loses its status as a major enterprise, greater attention will be paid to release medical and household appliances. Part of a larger production space is not used, and they intend to put up for sale through an auction or lease. On the issue of attracting investors plant CEO said, " "Vityaz" has no working capital, has only large debt history."