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A trade union leader is not allowed to visit “Fiberglass”

Victor Stukov, Head of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, wanted to visit the shop number 7 and number 12 of "Fiberglass" to check the complaints of employees working conditions. But it was enough to warn about his visit to the CEO, as the entrance to the company he personally banned.

Victor Stukov says: "Workers complain about the heat in the shop, as well as any noxious fumes into the air. Check harmful fumes from the chemicals our union can not, however, the situation is alarming: not so long ago in the locker room after the change of dead worker who became ill back in time ... In a word, it was necessary to see everything with my own eyes. So I warned the leadership that July 23 will come to the shop number 7 and number 12. However, the company's territory I did not miss."

Victor Stukov on "fiberglass" does not work: a few years ago he was fired for alleged violations of labor protection requirements. And in fact, to reduce the influence of ideas SPB workers, says Victor Stukav. Union leader was forced to apply to the prosecutors, when they started to let him pass on the deal.

"Right at the checkpoint, I called the police on the phone 102. Policemen drew survey protocols on both sides. I called and the prosecutor's office, that an employee who had already explained to me my rights - that I, as head of the trade union organizations have the right to meet freely with workers. At this time, the prosecutor advised to leave the corresponding entry in the Book of complaints and suggestions. But it failed to achieve: Head of Legal Support Vasily Zatirahin ordered not to give the complaints book - say, it is only for comments on the quality of products."

The situation around his personality, Victor Stukov considers abnormal. July 24, he filed an application to the prosecutor's office to send to "Fiberglass" the prosecutor's injunction to his leader and St. Petersburg, passed to the enterprise, as provided by the Belarusian legislation. He also asked to evaluate the terms of the right behavior of decision makers who are trying to ban him from meeting with workers to protect their rights.

Radio Liberty