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Orsha started to close short-term rental business

The closing of the short-term rental, which recently sounded only for capital directly affected regions. Thus, those skilled CUE "Orshakomhoz" was entrusted to strengthen control over the use of premises. As a result, entrepreneurs offer two options: either to convert non-residential housing, or just give up the business.

To the Editor turned entrepreneur from Orsha, which is engaged in the delivery of housing for rent. As it turned out, the woman received a call from the local and Zhao, referring to the Council of Ministers, sent by the Ministry of Housing in the regions reported that the apartment, which she rents for rent, must be converted to non-residential fund, or to opt out of this type of activity.

Despite the fact that Minsk debate about closing short business did not cease, and businessmen formed an association "Hospitality", which is fighting for their rights, the question of liquidation sutochnikov regions for a long time it seems a foregone conclusion.

"Even if you think logically, it is not lodging and hotel - told in komhoze Orsha. - It turns out that the dwelling is being misused, then the premises must be derived from the residential and non-residential as register, and output from the apartment, according to law, can only premises located on the ground floor. Deadline by which entrepreneurs need to translate their homes, not specified until we just have more control over the use of premises. We must walk, identify, draw on the administrative commission, and they have been instructed to transfer to non-residential fund. Otherwise, you will need to change their operations and take the long-term lease apartments in and not on the day."

As reported by the utilities, the decision was made long ago: "Now nothing is discussed, this decision has been taken. Council of Ministers has instructed us to identify. Create a commission to translate and offer people a house in uninhabited fund."

At the same time in the inspection of Taxation Orsha believe that the letter was simply misunderstood by Zhao and other businesses: "In the executive committee came explanation of the Ministry of Housing, which then unsubscribe to other departments, - says head of inspection Yuri Kagan. - The Board has instructed our ZhEKam punish employers or transfer to non-residential fund. I do not know why it happened, we got a call from Zhao himself, asked, but we as people paid and continue to pay - this form of taxation is not canceled."