Dmitry Mikhno working Methodist Lepiel district House of Culture. Recently he returned from military training. We asked Dmitry share impressions.
– Dmitry, you have served in the term?
– Yes, in Miežyca served in air defense forces nine years ago.
– As someone called you this time?
– Commander of the department of chemical exploration company.
– Tell me, how were charges that memorable?
– On the first day we washed in the bath, given ammunition is not new, of course, yet we are not conscripts, but neat, clean undercollars asked hem.
– I had to remember the young years of war?
– Yes, all the usual and not quite forgotten. And you know, since the army has not changed. The next day, those who are not served, and who served during the Soviet Union, took the oath.
– I was at the training camp, and those who have served with the Union?
– A little bit, just a few people. After that we were given weapons under the signature. Who – Machines, who was at the disposal of the RPG, depending on the position. So with weapons and we did not leave for twenty-four days.
– Where to live as boarded?
– First in Zasłonava lived in the barracks a few days and ate in part. Then we were divided by platoons. There were platoons of depth, chemical reconnaissance, command center, management. Send to Zasłonava landfill, where it was carried out the formation of combat crews. Since then fed us a field kitchen, the more that soon went to the landfill Damanava in the Bieraście region. In general, field kitchen, we were satisfied. Perhaps, as a home-cooked meal. Porridge with stewed meat is very tasty – barley, rice. Pasta was also given, sprat in cans, lard. Often, simply giving a piece of raw bacon, which can be eaten at any time now or in the evening, or at rest.
– Something like home?
– Well, except that a herring under a fur coat – laughing.
– What did you do in Bieraście region?
– There was a task in front of each of us. For example, we were monitoring the radiation background, deep reconnaissance company had to find a place to stay the enemy and find out what his equipment, etc.
– Lived in the field?
– Is not that in the field, in the wetlands. The conditions were as close to a real war. For example, on the first night, when only got off the train, it was already dark. Situated directly in the forest marshland kindled a fire, and who slept in the open air mattresses, someone simply on the ground in sleeping bags. And then, not all luxuriously in tents, some lived in small shalashika and slept feet closer to the fire. In war as in war.
– And slalom native "front triangles"?
– No, – smiles – time passed triangles. Everyone was with a mobile phone, so that the problem of communication with home was not acute. Is that to recharge a mobile phone in the field was not so easy.
– Homesick?
– Well, we're not at that age, middle-aged recruits, not children. On the other hand, every family, and there is someone to whom worry. However, we are satisfied. We change the situation, in the end who received the thanks who ratification. Spring comes early in the Bieraście region, a few days there was almost summer heat, but lacked all: and visited the rain and under the frost. Just like in war.
Vladimir Mikhno, Lepielski Kraj