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Provocations are organized against Vitebsk physician - love of truth

Vitebsk doctor Igor Postnov repeatedly raised vexed questions of Vitebsk medicine in the print media and the Internet. Now he had to go to the police because someone, signing his name on the Internet, provocative comments.

Igor Postnov's statement that the unknown on its behalf "sling mud acquaintances and friends," recorded in a special video message. He says that he always wanted to publish the problems that have Vitebsk medicine, but not "collect dirt." If the police do not treat it seriously needs to find the real detractors, Vitebsk physician will contact the prosecutor's office.

However, the provocative statements of Mr. Postnov not scared: in a video he again recalls that some Vitebsk hospitals are not in the best condition, and that the construction of some important medical facilities has long been a hopeless "uncompleted" ...

For such public statements, particularly in transfers channel "Belsat", Igor Postnov already had personal troubles: a guide palikiliniki, where he works, he was threatened by "men in civilian clothes." And earlier, after appeals to the state media and the authorities, the rebellious doctor several times fired from their jobs, and even sent a summons to the psychiatric clinic. "But I do have a diploma of a psychiatrist, so he said his 'well-wishers' as a psychiatrist:" Your diagnosis - a thirst for power "," - once said in an interview with "Narodnaja Vola" I. Postnov.

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