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Dr. Postnov going to picket in support of those who have suffered from the police

Vitebsk doctor decided to draw attention to the problem of fellow violent actions of the police officers, as unjustified violence and brutality by the police in Belarus increased. And Vitebsk - is no exception: Igor Postnov mentions several such cases. Application is filed in the October district administration. Date picket, which asks for permission Igor Postnov - January 20.

However, he says that he agrees to any other day off, if there are some obstacles this: "I wrote that I wanted to hold a rally in the park Mazurino is officially a place for mass rallies. At the weekend there are people who come to rest, skiing. picket is the sole - I'll stand alone, with a placard "Clear the police from those prone to violence and sadism." and yet - with a funeral wreath and black attire, as this "picket -requiem". Requiem for the victims of the police, who have suffered or even died because of police violence. I believe that this problem - urgent and acute, and that the authorities must give permission for such action, because to ignore this problem simply can not be."

Igor Postnov mentions several tragic accidents. One of them - the incident with his colleague, when in 2006 the surgeon Andrew Drobysh was beaten by police after being detained on the street for allegedly using foul language. Ensure that instituted criminal proceedings, was only 2 years later, the process was closed. In court, Andrey Drobysh said that helped the man on the street to climb. And when he came to the patrol police scolded him. He expressed his indignation, and he was arrested, beaten in the car, then in office. Policemen Roman Shushko and Anatoly Makhankov guilt did not recognize said that the detainee allegedly climbed himself to fight and self-inflicted damage, bouncing on the bench in handcuffs. January 6, 2008 the Judicial Chamber for Criminal Cases of the Vitebsk Regional Court issued a verdict policemen - 4 years imprisonment.

Mentions Postnov and longtime case: as policemen from the same district department of the October student convicted of murdering Alexander Baranov Medical Institute. And also gives a recent example when a politician Sergey Ryzhov Vitebsk employees complained of the Investigative Committee on beating sobering November 16 this year, and after this it brought an administrative action for allegedly disobeying police - Detox staff.

"This is an acute problem. As a psychiatrist, I just say, people who are prone to violence and sadism, should not work in the police ! The application I wrote that I want to spend the sole picket that take on responsibilities to clean territory after the action that I doctor himself, and can provide medical care - as the audience and himself. as for protection, the police on my picket, and so should be a lot - it's their problem in the first place, I personally invite the police and always - a police press service ! But if I do not allow this rally - it will be a real position of our government, which does not implement my civil rights and do not want to notice the presence of the problem", - says Igor Postnov.

However, it does not exclude other developments - after an application for such an action, he may again be compulsory psychiatric treatment with "aggravation of the disease". This was the case in August of this year, soon after the next videovystupleniya online criticism of the local authorities and the state medical institutions of the region Igor Postnov taken straight from work in Vitebsk Regional Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction, the court in his absence and the absence of a lawyer authorized him to involuntary treatment and all doctors have limited patient visit, including friends and defenders. Thereafter Postnov Igor began to seek changes in the law "On Mental Health Care", which restricts the rights of patients and puts them into complete dependence on doctors.

Viasna Human Rights Center