Alesya Furs (Umpirovich) died at the 92nd year of life. While studying at Pastavy Teacher's Seminary, Alesya joined the Union of Belarusian Patriots. March 25, 1946 for the ceremony of swearing the members of the organization to fidelity to Belarus painted "Pahonia".
In 1948 she was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in a concentration camp, but as a result of Stalin's death she only sat eight. In 1956, after liberation, she married a friend of the former political prisoner-Belorus Anton Fursa, lived in Kazakhstan. In 1982 they returned to their homeland, settled in Pastavy.
She was lucky enough to see Belarus independent. And she herself was rehabilitated in 1993. Raised children and grandchildren and lived a hard, but, after all, a happy life.